Open the door to homeowners insurance

更多的房主选择State Farm®作为他们的家庭pp王者电子官网公司 insurer.1

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Why choose State Farm for homeowners insurance?

Value to meet your
bottom line

Family of three enjoys a meal at the dining room table.

通过房主pp王者电子官网来保护你最大的投资和预算. 火灾、烟雾或防盗报警器可以帮助你降低成本.


State Farm agent stands to greet male customer.

Market value? Replacement cost? 了解在确定房屋价值和潜在覆盖需求时应考虑的因素.

Savings worth
looking up


修好屋顶可以让你衣袋里有钱. Learn if you may qualify.

Choose to bundle and save

节省时间,金钱和麻烦,选择捆绑购买房主, renters, condo, or life insurance policy in addition to car insurance.2 And don’t forget a personal articles policy or a personal umbrella policy.

Save up to

per year on auto
& home insurance3

What does homeowners insurance cover?4

当然,修复或更换房屋的能力在房主的pp王者电子官网范围内是最重要的. 但它也包括你看重的那些不是永久附属于你的房子或财产的物品. Like, for instance?


Jewelry, collectibles, pictures

Cameras, musical instruments, sports equipment



Damages resulting from fire, theft or vandalism

从管道系统中突然和意外排放的水, tearing/bulging of heating or cooling systems, artificially generated electrical current

Jewelry, collectibles, pictures

Cameras, musical instruments, sports equipment



Damages resulting from fire, theft or vandalism

从管道系统中突然和意外排放的水, tearing/bulging of heating or cooling systems, artificially generated electrical current


Different needs? We've got you for homeowners insurance

Liability insurance coverage

Liability insurance coverage

Liability is for your protection

如果有人在你家里受伤,或者你造成财产损失,我们的房主政策根据政策条款提供责任pp王者电子官网. Look into additional liability policies
Want to ensure your cat or dog is insured? You could add pet medical insurance

Policy limits

The sky is not the policy limit

房主政策规定了公司对特定类型财产损失支付的最高限额(这些限额因公司而异)。. What’s on a typical “special limits” list?

  • Money, bank notes, coins
  • Business property
  • 船舶,包括拖车、家具和设备
  • Trailers (other than boat trailers)
  • Firearms (applies to theft only)
  • Silverware and goldware (applies to theft only)
  • Rugs, tapestries (theft only)
如果您对某些类型的财产需要更高的限额,您的 State Farm agent can help.

Want to know more about homeowners insurance?

How to be prepared for home insurance reviews


First time home buyer tips

Being a first-time home buyer can be daunting.

The ins and outs of moving insurance

Your belongings might need protecting while in transit.

Protecting your pets

It wouldn’t be home without them. Are they covered, too?

Creating a home inventory


Do I need flood insurance?

Most homeowners policies do not cover for flood damage. Learn what’s available.

Should I consider earthquake insurance?

The ground can shake in almost any state. Are you covered?

Artwork showing ADT.
State Farm & ADT logos

Protect your home from life's uncertainties

With an ADT® home security system, 你可以用火灾传感器来帮助防范潜在的风险, smoke, water and theft. (Currently available in select states.) *

* Available in Arizona, Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.

Explore ADT
State Farm & Ting logos

Protect your place from electrical fires

State Farm和Ting可以免费帮助你预防电气火灾.

Explore Ting

Protect your home from wildfire threats5

在亚利桑那州,科罗拉多州,俄勒冈州和华盛顿州,野火防御系统公司. 如果一场野火将你的家置于危险之中,将代表州立农场帮助保护你的财产——不给你额外的费用.

Learn more
1 根据S提供的2020年保费数据,State Farm是美国最大的房主pp王者电子官网公司&P Global Market Intelligence.
2 Customers may always choose to purchase only one policy, 但购买两次或两次以上不同险种的折扣将不适用. 储蓄,折扣名称,百分比,可用性和资格可能因州而异.
3 根据2022年国家pp王者电子官网公司对新pg电子官方网页版进行的全国调查,每个家庭的平均年储蓄,这些新pg电子官方网页版通过转投国家pp王者电子官网公司报告了储蓄.
4 有关投保财产和损失的完整清单,请参阅您的实际pp王者电子官网单. 房主pp王者电子官网为您的房屋和房屋所在的其他建筑物的损坏提供pp王者电子官网. 然而,重要的是要明白,并不是所有可能的损害原因都包括在内. 房主pp王者电子官网政策的覆盖范围有重要的限制, 这取决于损坏的原因或你家的位置, and some types of damage aren’t covered at all. Coverage for damage from earthquakes, for example, 是否可以通过将其添加到房主保单中以获得额外保费, or by purchasing a separate policy. Coverage for damage from floods 是不提供的,通常只有购买单独的洪水pp王者电子官网单才能获得, often through the National Flood Insurance Program.
5 适用于州立农场业主和农场保单持有人,并受保单条款和条件的约束. 这并不能保证服务将被派遣,也不能保证野火的破坏将被阻止或减少.
此信息仅包含pp王者电子官网范围的一般描述,而不是合同. Details of coverage or limits vary in some states. All coverages are subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions, 以及保单本身和任何背书的条件.
家庭安全产品的折扣优惠并非在所有州都适用,可能需要符合条件的州农场汽车或消防政策. 折扣优惠不提供在阿拉斯加,纽约,北达科他州,宾夕法尼亚州或南达科他州. State Farm customers in Indiana, 而北卡罗莱纳州必须拥有州立农场汽车pp王者电子官网才有资格享受折扣优惠. Discount offers only available in the US. 产品和服务由第三方提供,State Farm不保证其适销性, fitness, 或第三方的产品和服务质量.

State Farm Fire and Casualty Company
State Farm General Insurance Company
Bloomington, IL

State Farm Florida Insurance Company
Winter Haven, FL

State Farm Lloyds
Richardson, TX